Most people ask where I find my girls gorgeous clothes and toys from (ps: thanks for noticing guys, I think i sometimes put more effort into dressing them most days than I did myself for my year 12 formal). Now I am not going to lie, I love a good Kmart bargain as much as the next mum (bargains, bargains every where, you go in to get the $3 home decor item and you always leave with over $100 worth of stuff, like how?). Anyway there is something just that little bit special about finding gorgeous handmade goodies. Maybe its the fact that you know your babe not only looks amazing & unique or maybe it's that you know you helped another family out by just making one small purchase. Anyway here's a list of my favourite places to shop for my gals. Some of these ladies are my personal friends and some I am lucky to have built great relationships with over social media. Others I have shopped from or are on my wish list and while I may not know them personally love and respect what they do. Oh and by the way I am in no way affiliated with these stores, receiving any type of money to advertise for them, this is just purely a list i have complied of my faves. :)